Friday 8 November 2019

Mathematics and its relationship with other disciplines

A famous Jain Mathematician, Ācārya Mahāvira (9th century) writes that-“Bahubhirvi pralāpaih kim trailokye sacarācare, Yatkimcidvastu tatsarva ganitena binā nahi”. The verse shows the importance of Mathematics as-“What is good of saying much in vain? Whatever there is in all three worlds, which are possessed of moving and non-moving being all that indeed cannot exist as apart from Mathematics”.
Here are some main disciplines in which Role of Mathematics is widely accepted.

Mathematics in Physical Sciences
In Physics, every rule and principle takes the mathematical form ultimately.  Mathematics gives a final shape to the rules of physics.  It presents them in a workable form. Mathematical calculations occur at every step in physics.
            The units of measurement are employed to substances in physics as frequently as in mathematics. The Chare’s law of expansion of gases is based upon mathematical calculations. Graduation of the stem of thermometer and then the conversion of scales is also a mathematical work.
In mathematical physics, some basic axioms about mass, momentum, energy, force, temperature, heat etc. are abstracted, from observations and physical experiments and then the techniques of abstraction, generalization and logical deduction are used. It is the branch of mathematical analysis that emphasizes tools and techniques of particular use to physicists and engineers. It focuses on vector spaces, matrix algebra, differential equations, integral equations, integral transforms, infinite series, and complex variables. Its approach can be adapted to applications in electromagnetism, classical mechanics, and quantum mechanics.
In mathematics, a particle is a point-like, perfectly rigid, solid object. Particle mechanics deals with the results of subjecting particles to forces. It includes celestial mechanics — the study of the motion of celestial objects. The role of Space Dynamics is very important in mechanics. Here we have to consider the trajectories which are time-optimal i.e. which take the least time in going from one point to another and in which the object starts and reaches the destination with zero velocity. Similarly we may have to consider energy- optimal trajectories. We have also to consider the internal and external ballistic of rocket and the path of inter continental ballistic missiles.
Fluid Dynamics :
Understanding the conditions that result in avalanches, and developing ways to predict when they might occur, uses an area of mathematics called fluid mechanics. Many mathematicians and physicists applied the basic laws of Newton to obtain mathematical models for solid and fluid mechanics. This is one of the most widely applied areas of mathematics, and is also used in understanding volcanic eruptions, flight, ocean currents.
Civil and mechanical engineers still base their models on this work, and numerical analysis is one of their basic tools. In the 19th century, phenomena involving heat, electricity, and magnetism were successfully modeled; and in the 20th century, relativistic mechanics, quantum mechanics, and other theoretical constructs were created to extend and improve the applicability of earlier ideas. One of the most widespread numerical analysis techniques for working with such models involves approximating a complex, continuous surface, structure, or process by a finite number of simple elements, known as the finite element method (FEM). This technique was developed by the American engineer Harold Martin and others to help the Boeing Company analyze stress forces on new jet wing designs in the 1950s. FEM is widely used in stress analysis, heat transfer, fluid flow, and torsion analysis.
Fluid Dynamics is also very important in Atmospheric Sciences, in dynamic meteorology and weather prediction. Another use in the study of diffusion of pollutants in the atmosphere e.g. to find out what proportion of pollutants emitted from chimneys or refineries reach hospitals and other buildings. It is also needed for the study of effect of leakages of poisonous gases.
Computational Fluid Dynamics :
Computational Fluid Dynamics is a discipline wherein we use computers to solve the Navier – Stokes equations for specified initial and boundary condition for subsonic, transonic and hypersonic flows. Many of our research workers use computers, but usually these are used at the final stage when drastic simplifications have already been made, partial differential equation have been reduced to ordinary differential equations and those equations have even been solved.
Physical Oceanography :
Important fluid dynamics problem arise in physical oceanography. Problems of waves, tides, cyclones flows in bays and estuaries, the effect of efflux of pollutants from nuclear and other plants in sea water, particularly on fish population in the ocean are important for study. From defense point of view, the problem of under-water explosions, the flight of torpedoes in water, the sailing of ships and submarines are also important.

  Mathematics in Chemistry
Math is extremely important in physical chemistry especially advanced topics such as quantum or statistical mechanics. Quantum relies heavily on group theory and linear algebra and requires knowledge of mathematical/physical topics such as Hilbert spaces and Hamiltonian operators. Statistical mechanics relies heavily on probability theory.
Other fields of chemistry also use a significant amount of math. For example, most modern IR and NMR spectroscopy machines use the Fourier transform to obtain spectra. Even biochemistry has important topics which rely heavily on math, such as binding theory and kinetics. 
Even Pharmaceutical companies require teams of mathematicians to work on clinical data about the effectiveness or dangers of new drugs. Pure scientific research in chemistry and biology also needs mathematicians, particularly those with higher degrees in computer science, to help develop models of complicated processes.
All chemical combinations and their equations are governed by certain mathematical laws.  Formation of chemical compounds is governed by mathematical calculations.  For instance, water is a compound, its formation is possible when exactly two atoms of hydrogen combines with one atom of oxygen.  Without this strict observance of the mathematical fact, the preparation is improbable.
            In the manufacture of any chemical, there is some mathematical ratio in which different elements have to be mixed. For estimation of elements in organic compounds, the use of percentage and ratio has to be made.             Molecular weights of organic  compounds are calculated mathematically.

 Mathematics in Biological Sciences
Biomathematics is a rich fertile field with open, challenging and fascination problems in the areas of mathematical genetics, mathematical ecology, mathematical neuron- physiology, development of computer software for special biological and medical problems, mathematical theory of epidemics, use of mathematical programming and reliability theory in biosciences and mathematical problems in biomechanics, bioengineering and bioelectronics.
Mathematical and computational methods have been able to complement experimental structural biology by adding the motion to molecular structure. These techniques have been able to bring molecules to life in a most realistic manner, reproducing experimental data of a wide range of structural, energetic and kinetic properties. Mathematical models have played, and will continue to play, an important role in cellular biology. A major goal of cell biology is to understand the cascade of events that controls the response of cells to external legends (hormones, transport proteins, antigens, etc.). Mathematical modeling has also made an enormous impact on neuroscience. . Three-dimensional topology and two-dimensional differential geometry are two additional areas of mathematics when it interacts with biology. Its application is also very important to cellular and molecular biology in the area of structural biology. This area is at the interface of three disciplines: biology, mathematics and physics. 
In Population Dynamics, we study deterministic and stochastic models for growth of population of micro-organisms and animals, subject to given laws of birth, death, immigration and emigration. The models are in terms of differential equations, difference equations, differential difference equations and integral equations.

In Internal physiological Fluid Dynamics, we study flows of blood and other fluids in the complicated network of cardiovascular and other systems. We also study the flow of oxygen through lung airways and arteries to individual cells of the human or animal body and the flow of synovial fluid in human joints. In External Physiological Fluid Dynamics we study the swimming of micro organisms and fish in water and the flight of birds in air.
In Mathematical Ecology, we study the prey predator models and models where species in geographical space are considered. Epidemic models for controlling epidemics in plants and animals are considered and the various mathematical models pest control is critically examined.
In Mathematical Genetics, we study the inheritance of genetic characteristics from generation to generation and the method for genetically improving plant and animal species. Decoding of the genetic code and research in genetic engineering involve considerable mathematical modeling. 
Mathematical theory of the Spread of Epidemics determines the number of susceptible, infected and immune persons at any time by solving systems of differential equations. The control of epidemics subject to cost constraints involves the use of control theory and dynamic programming. We have also to take account of the incubation period, the number of carriers and stochastic phenomena. The probability generating function for the stochastic case satisfies partial differential equations which cannot be solved in the absence of sufficient boundary and initial conditions.
In Drug kinetics, we study the spread of drugs in the various compartments of the human body. In mathematical models for cancer and other diseases, we develop mathematical models for the study of the comparative effects of various treatments. Solid Biomechanics deals with the stress and strain in muscles and bones, with fractures and injuries in skulls etc. and is very complex because of non symmetrical shapes and the composite structures of these substances. This involves solution of partial differential equations.
In Pollution Control Models, we study how to obtain maximum reduction in pollution levels in air, water or noise with a given expenditure or how to obtain a given reduction in pollution with minimum cost. Interesting non- conventional mathematical programming problems arise here. 

 Mathematics in Engineering and Technology
The use of mathematics in engineering is very well known. It is considered to be the foundation of engineering. Engineering deals with surveying, levelling, designing, estimating, construction etc.,  In all these processes, application of mathematics is very important.  By the application of geometric principles to design and constructions, the durability of things constructed can be increased. With its help, results can often be verified in engineering.
Mathematics has played an important role in the development of mechanical, civil, aeronautical and chemical engineering through its contributions to mechanics of rigid bodies, hydro-dynamics, aero-dynamics, heat transfer, lubrication, turbulence, elasticity, etc.. It has become of great interest to electrical engineers through its applications to information theory, cybernetics, analysis and synthesis of networks, automatic control systems, design of digital computers etc. The new mathematical sciences of magneto-hydrodynamics and plasma dynamics are used for making flow meters, magneto-hydrodynamic generates and for experiments in controlled nuclear fusion.
It is well known that most of the technological processes in industry are described effectively by using mathematical frame work. This frame work is then subsequently used to analyze and comprehend advantages and disadvantages in adopting efficient and novel methodologies in these processes, resulting into the introduction of Mathematical Technology. 
The defense sector is an important employer of mathematicians; it needs people who can design, build and operate planes and ships, and work on other advanced technologies. It also needs clear-thinking and analytical strategists.

  Mathematics and Agriculture
Agriculture as a science is going to depend extensively on mathematics.  It needs a direct application of mathematics, such as, measurement of land or area, average investment and expenditure, average return or income, production per unit area, cost of labour, time and work, seed rate etc., Progress of the farm can be judged by drawing graphs of different items of production.
 Mathematics and Economics
The level of mathematical literacy required for personal and social activities is continually increasing.  Mastery of the fundamental processes is necessary for clear thinking.  The social sciences are also beginning to draw heavily upon mathematics.
Mathematical language and methods are used frequently in describing economic phenomena. According to Marshall – “The direct application of mathematical reasoning to the discovery of economic truths has recently rendered great services in the hand of master mathematicians.” Statistical methods are used in economic forecast different issues of economics can be represented statistically such as ‘Trade Cycles’, Volume trade, trend of exports and imports, population trends, industrial trends, thrift, expenditure of public money etc.,
In economic theory and econometrics, a great deal of mathematical work is being done all over the world. In econometrics, tools of matrices, probability and statistics are used. A great deal of mathematical thinking goes in the task of national economic planning, and a number of mathematical models for planning have been developed. 
The models may be stochastic or deterministic, linear or non-linear, static or dynamic, continuous or discrete, microscopic or macroscopic and all types of algebraic, differential, difference and integral equations arise for the solution of these models. At a later stage more sophisticated models for international economies, for predicting the results of various economic policies and for optimizing the results are developed.
Another important subject for economics is Game theory. The whole economic situation is regarded as a game between consumers, distributors, and producers, each group trying to optimize its profits. The subject tries to develop optimal strategies for each group and the equilibrium values of games.

 Mathematics and Psychology
The great educationist Herbart has said, “It is not only possible, but necessary that mathematics be applied to psychology”.
Now, experimental psychology has become highly mathematical due to its concern with such factors as intelligence quotient, standard deviation, mean, median, mode, correlation coefficients and probable errors.  Statistical analysis is the only reliable method of attacking social and psychological phenomena. Until mathematicians entered into the field of psychology, it was nothing but a flight of imagination.
Suppose, we want to know whether ability is general or particular [General means, that if a student be brilliant in mathematics, he will be equally brilliant in language or history.  Particular ability means, that if a student is brilliant in mathematics, it is not essential that he will be equally brilliant in langue.]  To know the general ability or particular ability, we can use the co-efficient of correlation.

Mathematics and Actuarial Science, Insurance and Finance
Actuaries use mathematics and statistics to make financial sense of the future. For example, if an organization is embarking on a large project, an actuary may analyze the project, assess the financial risks involved, model the future financial outcomes and advise the organization on the decisions to be made. Much of their work is on pensions, ensuring funds stay solvent long into the future, when current workers have retired. They also work in insurance, setting premiums to match liabilities.
Mathematics is also used in many other areas of finance, from banking and trading on the stock market, to producing economic forecasts and making government policy.

Mathematics and Archaeology
Archaeologists use a variety of mathematical and statistical techniques to present the data from archaeological surveys and try to distinguish patterns in their results that shed light on past human behavior. Statistical measures are used during excavation to monitor which pits are most successful and decide on further excavation. Finds are analyzed using statistical and numerical methods to spot patterns in the way the archaeological record changes over time, and geographically within a site and across the country. Archaeologists also use statistics to test the reliability of their interpretations.

Mathematics and Logic
D’Alembert says, “Geometry is a practical logic, because in it, rules of reasoning are applied in the most simple and sensible manner”. Pascal says –  “Logic has borrowed the rules of geometry, the method of avoiding error is sought by everyone.  The logicians profess to lead the way, the geometers alone reach it, and aside form their science there is no true demonstration”. C.J.Keyser – “Symbolic logic is mathematics, mathematics is symbolic logic”.
The symbols and methods used in the investigation of the foundation of mathematics can be transferred to the study of logic.  They help in the development and formulation of logical laws.

Mathematics in Music
Leibritz, the great mathematician had said, - “Music is a hidden exercise in arithmetic of a mind unconscious of dealing with numbers”.
Pythogoras has said – “Where harmony is, there are numbers”.
Calculations are the root of all sorts of advancement in different disciplines. The rhythm that we find in all music notes is the result of innumerable permutations and combinations of SAPTSWAR. Music theorists often use mathematics to understand musical structure and communicate new ways of hearing music. This has led to musical applications of set theory, abstract algebra, and number theory. Music scholars have also used mathematics to understand musical scales, and some composers have incorporated the Golden ratio and Fibonacci numbers into their work. 
Most of today's music is produced using synthesizers and digital processors to correct pitch or add effects to the sound. These tools are created by audio software engineers who work out ways of manipulating the digital sound, by using a mathematical technique called Fourier analysis. This is part of the area of digital signal processing (DSP) which has many other applications including speech recognition, image enhancement and data compression.

 Mathematics in Arts
"Mathematics and art are just two different languages that can be used to express the same ideas." It is considered that the universe is written in the language of mathematics, and its characters are triangles, circles, and other geometric figures. The old Goethic Architecture is based on geometry. Even the Egyptian Pyramids, the greatest feat of human architecture and engineering, were based on mathematics. Artists who strive and seek to study nature must therefore first fully understand mathematics. On the other hand, mathematicians have sought to interpret and analyze art though the lens of geometry and rationality. This branch of mathematics studies the nature of geometric objects by allowing them to distort and change. An area that benefits most from the visual approach is topology. 
Moreover the study of origami and mathematics can be classified as topology, although some feel that it is more closely aligned with combinatorics, or, more specifically, graph theory. Huzita's axioms are one important contribution to this field of study. Beauty of a piece of art depends on the manner in which it expresses truth.  Mathematics is knowledge of truth and realities.  It is in itself a piece of fine art.  Mathematics exists in music.  Everybody cannot appreciate fully a piece of architecture, a painting or musical notes.  Only a mathematical mind can appreciate these arts with some sense of confidence.  Mathematics provides a basis and background for aesthetic appreciation.  Appreciation of rhythm, proportion, balance and symmetry postulates a mathematical mind.

Mathematics in Philosophy
The function of mathematics in the development of philosophical thought has been very aptly put by the great educationist Herbart, in his words. The real finisher of our education is Philosophy, but it is the office of mathematics to ward off the dangers of philosophy.”
Mathematics occupies a central place between natural philosophy and mental philosophy.  It was in their search of distinction between fact and fiction that plato and other thinkers came under the influence of mathematics.
Usually, philosophy is defined as the science that investigates the ultimate reality of things, whereas in mathematics, the philosophers find orderly and systematic achievements of unambiguous truths. By warding of the dangers, mathematics puts the philosophers on the right path of acquiring true knowledge. By eliminating irrationality, mathematical methods produced the realistic school of thought in philosophy.

 Mathematics in Social Networks
Graph theory, text analysis, multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis, and a variety of special models are some mathematical techniques used in analyzing data on a variety of social networks.

 Mathematics in Political Science
In Mathematical Political Science, we analyze past election results to see changes in voting patterns and the influence of various factors on voting behavior, on switching of votes among political parties and mathematical models for Conflict Resolution. Here we make use of Game Theory. 

Mathematics in Linguistics
The concepts of structure and transformation are as important for linguistic as they are for mathematics. Development of machine languages and comparison with natural and artificial language require a high degree of mathematical ability. Information theory, mathematical biology, mathematical psychology etc. are all needed in the study of Linguistics. Mathematics has had a great influence on research in literature. In deciding whether a given poem or essay could have been written by a particular poet or author, we can compare all the characteristics of the given composition with the characteristics of the poet or other works of the author with the help of a computer.

  Mathematics in Management
Mathematics in management is a great challenge to imaginative minds. It is not meant for the routine thinkers. Different Mathematical models are being used to discuss management problems of hospitals, public health, pollution, educational planning and administration and similar other problems of social decisions. In order to apply mathematics to management, one must know the mathematical techniques and the conditions under which these techniques are applicable. In addition, one must also understand the situations under which these can be applied. In all the problems of management, the basic problem is the maximization or minimization of some objective function, subject to the constraints in available resources in manpower and materials. Thus OR techniques is the most powerful mathematical tool in the field of Management.
  Mathematics in Computers
An important area of applications of mathematics is in the development of formal mathematical theories related to the development of computer science. Now most applications of Mathematics to science and technology today are via computers. The foundation of computer science is based only on mathematics. It includes, logic, relations, functions, basic set theory, countability and counting arguments, proof techniques, mathematical induction, graph theory, combinatorics, discrete probability, recursion, recurrence relations, and number theory, computer-oriented numerical analysis, Operation Research techniques, modern management techniques like Simulation, Monte Carlo program, Evaluation Research Technique, Critical Path Method, Development of new computer languages, study of Artificial Intelligence, Development of automata theory etc. 
All mathematical processes of use in applications are being rapidly converted into computer package algorithms. There are computer packages for solution of linear and non linear equations, inversions of matrices, solution of ordinary and partial differential equations, for linear, non linear and dynamic programming techniques, for combinatorial problems and for graph enumeration and even for symbolic differentiation and integration.
Cryptography is the practice and study of hiding information. In modern times cryptography is considered a branch of both mathematics and computer science and is affiliated closely with information theory, computer security and engineering. Cryptography is used in applications present in technologically advanced societies; examples include the security of ATM cards, computer passwords and electronic commerce, which all depend on cryptography. It is the mathematics behind cryptography that has enabled the e-commerce revolution and information age. Pattern Recognition is concerned with training computers to recognize pattern in noisy and complex situations. e.g. in recognizing signatures on bank cheques, in remote sensing etc. 
In Robotics Vision, computers built in the robots are trained to recognize objects coming in their way through the pattern recognition programs built into them. In manufacturing Robotics, the artificial arms and legs and other organs have to be given the same degree of flexibility of rotation and motion as human arms, legs and organs have. This requires special developments in mechanics.
Computerized Tomography uses the important breakthrough in reconstruction of images of brain and objects from the knowledge of the proportions of photons observed along different lines sent through the object. These proportions can be expressed as line integrals of a function.
Fractals Geometry enable us to design models of irregular objects like clouds, coast lines, lightening turbulence etc. and this uses a combination of probability theory, mathematics and computers. This shows that mathematics can enable us to handle apparently irregular patterns as much as it can enable us to study regular patterns.
In Computer Graphics we find the virtual landscapes and things within them are three-dimensional mathematical objects, and these objects behave and interact according to the equations for the rules of physics that apply within the game. These rules might cover gravity, speed and force, and even stop your character falling through a solid floor but allow them to sink in quicksand. This type of mathematics is used in computer graphics for movies, and mathematics plays an important part in many areas of IT, including programming, designing hardware and project management.

Mathematics in Geography

            Geography is nothing but a scientific and mathematical description of our earth in its universe.  The dimension and magnitude of earth, its situation and position in the universe the formation of days and nights, lunar and solar eclipses, latitude and longitude, maximum and minimum rainfall, etc are some of the numerous learning areas of geography which need the application of mathematics.  The surveying instruments in geography have to be mathematically accurate.  There are changes in the fertility of the soil, changes in the distribution of forests, changes in ecology etc., which have to be mathematically determined, in order to exercise desirable control over them.


Measurement is the assignment of a numerical value to an attribute of an object, or the assignment of a number to a characteristic of a situation. Mathematics is a science of measurement because measurement is an outcome of a sequence of operations carried out under a set of specified, realizable and experimental conditions.
Measurement is fundamental to the teaching and learning of mathematics because it provides a natural way to the development of number concepts and also to the application of mathematics over a very wide field.
Mathematics in a realistic setting provides a logical way in teaching mathematics, in real life context in which number concepts are applied and used. Measurement as a mathematical concept may be more easily accessible to students because it exists all around them in their everyday lives. Students can learn to perform accurately a number of measuring procedures and use the results to make judgements about the magnitude of quantities. One of the most obvious features of mathematics is its fixation with putting numbers to things, by quantification using mathematical formulae.
Quantification covers all those acts which quantify observations and experience by converting them into numbers through counting and measuring. It is thus the basis for mathematics and science. It is universally true that the foundation of quantification is measurement.
Measurement is an empirical counterpart of quantification or a definition of measure. The foundation of quantification is measurement. Measurement is always an empirical procedure, such as calculating the mass of an object by weighing it. By way of contrast, quantification is a kind of theorizing. The relationship between quantification and measurement is a “feedback loop”. Quantification process needs some “measurement” rules. Example: For temperature measurement one has to define a scale for temperatures. The most common one is the Celsius scale, with 0oC as the freezing point and 100oC as the boiling temperature of water under standardized air pressure conditions at sea level. A core aspect of quantification is the units of measurement.
In mathematics, magnitudes and multitudes are two kinds of quantity to be measured and they are commensurable with each other. Setting the units of measurement, mathematics also covers such fundamental quantities as space (length, breadth and depth) and time, mass and force etc., The topics such as numbers, number systems, with their kinds and relations, fall into the number theory. Geometry studies the issues of spatial magnitudes: straight line (their length, and relationships as parallels, perpendiculars, angles)  and curved lines (kinds and number and degree) with their relationships (tangents, secants, and asymptotes). Also it encompasses surface and solids, their transformation, measurements and relationships.

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