Saturday 29 September 2018



Name of the Student – Teacher  : T. Nikshaya.
Name of the school                        : SriRamakrishna SaradaHigher Secondary school.
Subject                                            :Mathematics
Class                                                :VII     
Topic                                                :Data Handling
Unit                                                  : Collecting and organizing of       
                                                             Continuous Data
Duration                                          : 45 minutes.
Date                                                 : 27-08-18

  General Instructional objectives
The pupils,
       i.            acquire the knowledge of data handling
     ii.            understand the concepts of collecting and organizing of continuous data
  iii.            apply the concepts of data to solve the problem
  iv.            acquire mathematical skills and appreciate the beauty of mathematics
Specific Instructional Objectives
The pupils
       i.            recall the basic knowledge of the data handling
     ii.            define collection of data
  iii.            explain the types of data
  iv.            describe frequency and range
     v.            give some examples for finding the range by using the formula
Teaching learning Material
1)                Chart
2)                Flash Card
     Data Handling is a part of statistics.  The word statistics is derived from the latin word “Status” live Mathematics, statistics is also a science of number.  The numbers referred to hare are data expressed in numerical from like,
1)                Marks of students in a class.
2)                Weight of children of particular age in a village.
3)                The amount of rainfall in a region over a period of years.
1)                Collect the data of the birth moths of your classmates.
2)                Collect the maths marks in your classmates.
     The teacher recall the basic knowledge of data handling.
     Any collection of information in the form of numerical figures giving the required information is called data.
Raw Data
     The marks obtained in mathematics test by the students of a class is a collection of observations gathered initially.  The information which is collected initially and presented randomly is called a raw data.
     The raw data is an unprocessed and unclassified data.
Grouped Data
Some time the collected raw data may be huge in number and it gives us no information as such. Whenever the data is large, we have to group them meaningfully and then analyse.
      The data which is arranged in groups or classes is called a grouped data.
1)                List out the different kinds of plants / trees in your school campus.
2)                Tabulate different kinds of crops cultivated by the farmers in a village.
     Today, we are going to see about the collecting and organizing of continuous data.
     We are going through the topic from page no 89,90.
Collection of Data:
     The initial step of investigation is the collection of data.  The collected data must be relevant to the need.
Primary Data
     For example, Mr. Vinoth    the class teacher of standard VII plans to take his students for an excursion.  He asks the students to give their choice for.
1)                particular location they would like to go
2)                the game they would like to play.
3)                the food they would like to have on their trip.
For all these, he is getting the information directly from the students.  This type of collection of data is known as primary data.
Secondary Data
Mr.Vinoth, the class teacher of standard VII is collecting the information about weather for their trip.  He internet, news papers,magazines, television and other sources.  These external sources are called secondary data.
Collecting and Organizing of  Continuous Data
     As far as statistics is concerned the word variable means a measurable quantity which takes any numerical value within certain limits.
     Few examples are 1)  age,  2) income, 3) height and  4) weight.
     Suppose we measure the height of students in a school.  It is possible that a particular value of height say 140cm get repeated. We then count the number of times the value occurs.  This number is called the frequency of 140 cm.
     The number of times a particular value repeats itself is called its frequency.
     The different between the highest value and the lowest value of a particular data is called range.
Teacher solving the problem:
    Let the heights (in cm) of 20 students in a class be as follows, find range.
Sequential Skill
     Here the least value is 110cm and the highest value is 134cm.
     Range = Highest value – Lowest value
Arithmetic skill
Simple subtraction
Individual solving the problem:
     The teacher gives a problem to be solved by the student independently steps are explained and doubts are clarified and students followed the steps given by the teachers.
Let the weight (in kgs) of 20 students in a as follows.
Range = highest value – lowest value
Highest value = 46
Lowest value = 32
Range = 46-32
Group work
·        For group activity, the teacher divides the class in small group of 5 to 6 students of hexageneous learning skills
·        Challenging problems are to be given
·        Teacher should clarify the doubts of the studentorally as well as by writingon the board
·        Teacher should monitor the work of every group
Write the frequencies of the heights of the 15 students as follows.
1)                Frequency of 120 is 5
2)                Frequency of 122 is 3
3)                Frequency of 126 is 3
4)                Frequency of 126 is 2
5)                Frequency of 121 is 2
Frequency of all student’s heights
     =No of students.
Large work
Find the range and write the frequencies of 25 students mathematics marks in a class be as follows.
      Highest value = 100
      Lowest value = 70
Range = Highest value – Lowest value
Frequencies of 70,75,76,77,80,89,95,97,98,99,100
1)                Frequency of 70 is 3
2)                Frequency of 75 is 3
3)                Frequency of 76 is 1
4)                Frequency of 77 is 3
5)                Frequency of 80 is 2
6)                Frequency of 89 is 2
7)                Frequency of 95 is 2
8)                Frequency of 97 is 2
9)                Frequency of 98 is 2
10)           Frequency of 99 is 2
11)           Frequency of 100 is 2
Frequency of 25 students marks
     =No. of students.
·        From each group one average learner has to present the solution of the problem.
·        Teacher should answer whether every student has solved the problem in his note.
·        Preparation should be alone by students in cyclic order so that everyone will get a chance to present.
Fill in the blanks
1)                The collected information is called------
2)                ------ data means the raw data which has just been collected from the  original source.
3)                ------ data consists of second hand information which has already been collected.
4)                The number of times a particular value repeats itself is called its ------

1)                The difference between the highest and lowest value of the variable in the given data is called.
a)                 Frequency. 
b)                Class limit.
c)                 Class interval.
d)                Range.
2)                The marks scored by a set of students in a test are 65,97,78,49,23,48,59,98.
The range for this data is.
a)                 90
b)                74
c)                 73
d)                75
Home Assignments
Collect the data on the student’s favourite animal.  Provide a rubric explaining the type of information you want them to collect, such as animal size at birth and in adulthood, natural habitats, food sources, life spans and physical attributes.

Guide-Teacher’s                                                                                Student-Teacher’s        Signature                                                                                             Signature                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          


Mathematics - News paper cuttings