Saturday 29 September 2018


Macros are programmes that generate programmes; mention macros to most programmer’s, perhaps even you, and the first image that comes to mind is string substitution- you use a macro to glue together a few parameters in a new way, maybe with a bit of compile-time decision making thrown in. Lisp macros are lisp programmes that generate other lisp programmes. The generated lisp code has a fully –parenthesized notations, as does the macro that generates the code. 
Planning is very essential for the successful completion of any holds good for instruction too, as instruction is a systematic activity to be carried out by a teacher successfully. Planning for instruction involves planning at three levels.
Planning the instruction for the whole year – Annual Plan
Planning the instruction of a unit – Unit plan
Planning the instruction of a topic or lesson – Lesson plan
Annual plan is done by the teacher in the beginning of the year for the entire course. For example, a teacher who teaches a course in  mathematics for a particular class plans the curricular and co – curricular activities as per syllabus for the entire academic year.
The teacher has to prepare the year plan keeping in mind the following points.
·       The objective to be achieved
·       The number of units to be covered as per the syllabus during the academic year
·       The number of working days per term and for the year
·       The resources available, etc…
A variety of meanings have been assigned to the term unit. Some of them are
i)                  The lesson for the day
ii)               It is a block of work
iii)            As a chapter in a text book, a project and
iv)            As a method of instruction rather than a method of organisation of instructional materials, etc..
“A unit is a large block of related subject matter as can be over – viewed by a learner”.
-         Preston

A unit plan is developed by the teacher and serves as a long-range plan. Its contains multiple lessons that are related. Below you will find the suggested unit plan format components followed by explanations of each. While all unit plans are not identical, the major components will remain the same. A language learning unit plan is a subdivision of your language learning programme made up of a series of daily lesson plans. The units may be determined in various ways, depending on the overall approach to language learning being followed.
-         A unit should be meaningful segments of well organised subject matter.
-         A unit can be broken up into interrelated sub – units.
-         A unit should not be too lengthy or too short.

·       Unit planning involves the following stages.
·       Content Analyses
·       Stating the General and specific objectives
·       Planning the learning activities
·       Evaluation procedure

            A lesson plan is the systematic preparation done in a scientific manner. Effective and successful teaching mainly depends on perfect lesson planning. A lesson plan represents a single teaching unit meant for a class period. Generally a lesson plan is teacher’s mental and emotional visualization of classroom activities.
            “Lesson plan is the title given to a statement of the achievement to be realized and the specific means by which these are to be attained as a result of the activities engaged in during the period”.
            “Daily lesson planning involves defining the objectives, selecting and arranging the subject matter and determining the method and procedure”.
                                                                                                  Binging and Binging
            Stands – A lesson is “A plan of action”
Needs of Lesson Planning
            The lesson plan does not allow the teacher to deviate and its keep him on the way. In the process of teaching, lesson plan is needed due to the following reasons.
        Through lesson plan, the teacher regularly achieves the teaching objectives and process in the form of complex objectives and processes.
ü  A lesson plan develops the possibilities of adjustment in the classroom situation which makes the teaching effective.
ü  A lesson plan helps in calling every step of curriculum unit.
ü A lesson plan helps in planning the process of teaching on the basis of class control, motivation and individual differences.
Planning is essential for every aspect of human activities, but for a planned teaching more planning is required.
Suitable Environment
In a lesson plan objectives are fixed and the teaching strategies, techniques and material aid etc. are decided beforehand. When a proper teaching environment is created, the teaching task goes in a much planned way.
 Based on previous knowledge
In preparing lesson plans, the teacher presents new knowledge as the basis of previous knowledge of the pupils. This enables the pupils to gain the knowledge very conveniently on one side, the teacher succeeds in acquiring his objective on the other side.
Psychological teaching
The teacher uses proper teaching strategies, techniques and instruments keeping in mind the interests, aptitudes, needs, capacities and abilities of the pupils for teaching them when the lesson plans are prepared. This makes the teaching more psychological.
Limitation of subject matter
In a lesson plan, the subject matter becomes limited. This enables the teacher to give up irrelevant things. He only remembers definite and limited matter and its presentation before the pupils become easy. The pupils also receive the knowledge in a systematic and organized way.
Determination of activities
In a lesson plan, the teachers and pupils activities are pre-decided according to the class level. This makes the teaching activities meaningful and purposeful.
Preparation of material aids
At the time of preparing a lesson plan, the teacher decides what facts are to be clarified by what strategies, techniques and instruments and what aid is to be used at what time. This prepares the necessary and effective aids before starting the teaching task.

Developing of teaching skill
The lesson plan acts as an important means for developing teaching skills in the pupil-teacher.
Use of Theoretical knowledge
Whatever the pupil-teachers get theoretical knowledge during their training period, that knowledge.
Teaching with confidence
The preparation of a lesson plan makes the subject and other allied subjects more clearly to the teachers. This arouses self confidence among them. When a teacher gets developed the feeling of self-confidence, then he presents the new knowledge to the pupils with more enthusiasm and pleasure.
 Discipline in class
By preparing lesson plan, the teacher becomes aware of what, when and how much is to be done in the class. This absorbs all the pupils in their respective tasks. Hence, it results in appreciable classroom discipline.
Time sense
Lesson plan is prepared allotting to the duration of the periods.
Teaching from memory level to reflective level
In an ideal lesson plan, development and thought provoking questions should be asked. Also there should be an effort to stretch the teaching from memory level to reflective level.

Objective based
The lesson plan must be based on one or the other objective. While writing this, objectives should be written and defined clearly because its main objective is to achieve some goal.
 Decision about appropriate material aids
The material aid an important means of the teacher. Hence correct decision regarding the charts, graphs, pictures, diagrams and maps should be taken while preparing ideal lesson plan and these should be marked at proper places which a teacher is to use them while teaching.
Based previous knowledge
An ideal lesson plan should be based on the previous knowledge of the pupils. This will avoid difficulty in acquiring new knowledge by the pupils.
Division of lesson plan in units
Lessons are of three types (a) knowledge lesson (b) skill lesson (c) appreciation lesson. In an ideal lesson plan all the relevant steps of these three types of lesson plan should be determined. Each lesson should be divided into suitable units so that the pupils may understand the lesson gradually.
Simplicity of activities
In an ideal lesson plan, the simplicity of the lesson plan and clarity of thoughts should be according to the mental level of the pupils.
Determination of activities
In an ideal lesson plan, the activities of a teacher and the pupils should be determined before-hand.
 Home work
There should a provision of home work in an ideal lesson plan. This will enable the pupils to learn the appreciation of the acquired knowledge.
A good lesson plan must have a suitable plan for self-criticism. The teacher should put some questions to him and find out the answer and there by judge the effectiveness of the lesson writing.
 Use of illustration
Examples should be used which have relevance with the daily life of the peoples.
 Use of blackboard
The blackboard summary of each and every unit should be written on the blackboard.
This approach generally known as Herbartian five steps approach in the procedure of the Herbartian School of propagated by J.F.Herbart (1776-1841) and his followers.
The formal steps involved in the approach as below
                                i.            Introduction / Motivation
                              ii.            Presentation
                            iii.            Comparison and association
                           iv.            Generalization
                             v.            Application
                           vi.            Recapitulation
Introduction / Motivation
            This step is concerned with the task of preparing the students for receiving new knowledge. In preparation, nothing new is taught to students. Relevant to the topic in hand he teacher should make himself sure of what the pupils already know, by putting a few questions, based on the pupils previous knowledge. In general, with the help of this step, the teacher can check the students entering behavior before he starts teaching the lesson. Thus, testing previous knowledge, developing interest in the minds of students and maintaining curiosity of the students can be achieved with the help of this step.
The following activities involved in this step
·        The assumption about the previous knowledge of the students in relevance to the lesson
·        The testing of the previous knowledge
·        Utilizing the previous knowledge for introducing the lesson
·        Motivating the students for studying the present lesson

            It is the key step and only through which the actual process of teaching is going to take place. Here the aims of the lesson should be stated clearly and the heading should be written on the blackboard. We have to provide situation for both the teacher and the students to participate in the process of teaching and learning. Our ultimate aim of the presentation is to make the concepts understandable to the students. Therefore simple language is used. Appropriate and specific examples and illustrations of the concepts will make the understanding better. The interest of the students on the subject matter should be maintained continuously by the way of asking questions from time to time in this stage. The teacher should carefully and skillfully arrange his material so that his pupils may clearly and readily grasp it. The teacher should make proper use of questions, charts, graphs, pictures, models and other illustrative for demonstration and explanation.
            At the end of each section a few questions concerning that section only should be asked to whether the pupils are now ready for the acquisition of new knowledge.
Comparison of Association
            More importance should be given in this stage to compare the facts observed by the students with another concept by way of giving examples. By making use of this comparison, the students can derive definitions or theories. The students are encouraged to give new suitable examples for the concept instead of the examples given in the book to make them think in an innovative manner.
            This step is concerned with arriving at some general ideas or drawing out the necessary conclusions by the students on the basis of the different comparisons, contracts and associated observed in the learning material present by the teacher. As far as possible the task of formulation should be left to students. The teacher at this stage should try to remain in the background for providing only necessary guidance and correction.
            In this stage, the teacher makes the students to use the understood knowledge in an unfamiliar situation. Unless the knowledge of science is applied in new situations or in our day-to-day life, the study of science will become meaningless. This application of scientific principles will strengthen learning and will make the learning permanent.
            This stage is meant for the teachers to know whether students have grasped by reviewing a lesson or by giving assignments to the students. Only through this step achieving closure (in teaching) is possible.

A typical lesson might look like the following
Ø Tune up—Guitars need regular tuning.
Ø Knowledge review—Review of notes, strings, chords, technique, and other recently covered material.
Ø Skill and drill—Drills focus on fine motor skills for either the right hand or the left hand, sometimes both.
Ø Performance goal check—each week students try to achieve short term goal and complete assignments.
Ø Check off—if the student shows mastery of the new goal, I ask the student to feel good about the accomplishment.
Ø Problem correction—is it a problem related to skill, ability, knowledge, understanding, etc.
Ø Didn’t practice--little or no new material, skills, or techniques will or can be introduced; I promise. Click here for a few thoughts on how to practice on your own at home
Ø New goal—A new song, new chords, new technique, new concept, etc. we practice the new goal several times to be sure it is understood before the student leaves.
Teaching aids
A chart is something that shows a group of facts in the form of a diagram, table, or a graph. Teaches can use small alphabet charts on student desks to aid in learning the alphabet.
 Flash chart
A flash card is part of a set of cards that has numbers, letters, pictures or words on it. Flash cards may also be used to enhance student memory. Try playing a memory game with the facts on the cards. To start with, we will always choose comprehension activities. This means that the students are not requires saying the new words, just to understand them. Then they will be ready to develop tasks in which they have to speak without models.
 Flip charts
Flip charts are useful for teaching larger group at one time. Flipchart are often placed on an easel, which allows the teacher to easily move it. A teacher can use a flip chart when she is showing different parts of lessons, stages in the process of something steps of something, or the progress of a story as it unfolds. Flip charts are very versatile and can be used for all classes.
Maps are something teachers can use for various projects or lessons. A map is something to use when a teacher is describing where a city, state, country, or continent is located.
A calendar is a chart that shows dates in each month of the year. Teachers can use calendars for teaching days of the month and the month to her class.
Teacher can make their own graphs and use them to compare population growth in social studies, numbers or ratios of objects in math class, or even use them for charting student growth.
These are another great teaching aid. Teacher can make their own survey to pass out class. Surveys are a great way for a teacher to get feedback and use that feedback to improve teaching skills or change future lessons for more success.


  1. Its very clear to understand the concepts of macro teaching..that too about lesson rajalakshmi

  2. It is useful for school teaching practice by kowsalya

  3. It is helpful for us during this lock down. Instead of coming to library and searching all things.

  4. Very useful mam for in this period.thank you mam


Mathematics - News paper cuttings