Friday 20 March 2020

Mathematics Teacher

Mathematics Teacher

        “An ordinary teacher complains, an average teacher explains, a good teacher illustrates, an excellent teacher inspires”.
       It is essential to cultivate values of mathematics in students, hence it is made a compulsory subject in school.
       Good curriculum, modern methods of teaching, techniques, audio visual aids well equipped laboratory, fitting meaningful text books are all waste in the absence of an efficient teacher.
      An efficient teacher excellently well even in the absence of all these. It is the teacher who makes the latent knowledge and treasure in a person bloom systematically, and develops in him discipline, loyalty, wisdom cleverness, desire for liberty and broad outlook.
Qualities and skills of a Mathematics Teacher:
            Education system depends upon its efficient teachers the efficient teacher; there must be some specific qualities. The success or failures of a mathematics subject depend upon the mathematics teacher.
                Mathematics teacher takes the mathematics subject and deal challengingly otherwise his job is very difficult.
                Some essential qualities which are expected in a good mathematics teacher are as follows:
1. Mastery of the subject:
            No teacher can teach properly unless he has a thorough knowledge of his subject. In real sense his knowledge and information about the subject should be much higher than the students.
           The following qualifications are essential for teacher.
                Mathematics teacher should have passed Matriculation Intermediate / senior secondary Examination with mathematics as a subject.
2. Interest in the subject:
            A good teacher should have interest in the subject. Without interest in the subject he cannot teach with efficiency. He should know the importance of the subject. He could also develop interest in the subject to the students.
3. Interest in the profession:
A teacher should not take teaching work as an employment and a means of money making some teachers can do his Job successfully who have interest in this profession. In the beginning a teacher has to spend most of his time in improving his knowledge of teaching field and his techniques of teaching.
4. Resourcefulness:
            A mathematics teacher should make good resources essential for effective teaching learning. The use of teaching aids helps him for successful teaching. A teacher may present complex things in a simple way by using the appropriate aids and so, Resourcefulness is a quality of good teacher.
5. Patience and Tolerance:
            For general students, mathematics is a difficult subject. They take more time in understanding the mathematical concepts. Sometimes their responses are totally absurd. Few students are unable to learn after several repetitions. At the time teacher to be impatient. But, a good teacher should not lose his patience. He should adopt alternate methods to get success in teaching learning.
6. Proper Habits and Attitudes:
            A good mathematics teacher is expected to possess to good habits like hard work, self-confidence, patience, strong will power, systematic working, outlook, sweet speaking etc. He is also expected to have rational and scientific attitude.
7. Knowledge of Application of Mathematics:
            The Mathematics teacher should clearly know the use of the knowledge of his subject in various fields of real life. If he has a good knowledge of the application of mathematics in real life, in various vocations, in other subjects etc., he can communicate and transfer it to his students. The knowledge of applicability of subject is quite helpful in making the teaching meaningful, successful, interesting and effective.
8. Scientific out look
9. Psychological out look
10. Awareness of Aims.
11. Affectionate Behaviour towards students.
12. Mathematical skills and Analyzing Ability.
13. Leadership and organizing ability.
14. Love for the students:
A Teacher must love his students. Unless the teacher likes them, they will not like him. Like (or) dislike is a reciprocal process. If the students do not like teacher, the students will not like his subject. He should understand them, their abilities, interests, achievements etc.
15. Leadership and organizing ability:
A Teacher has to inculcate Proper habits and attitude in his students. He is ideal for them. They learn many things from his acts and behaviour. Therefore, a teacher should possess the qualities of leadership so that he can lead the students in right direction. A teacher should also be a good organizer. He is required to organize various Activities related to his subject and also some other activities in the school.
16. Awareness of Aims:
A teacher cannot do his Job successfully unless he is aware of its aims and objectives. Aimless working is useless. The Mathematics Teacher must be clear about the aims and objectives of its teaching.

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