Friday 6 March 2020

Mathematics Text Books

Text-books are standardized collection of the subject-matter that has to be taught to the students. They facilitate the teaching of new concepts and skills and maintain the knowledge already acquired and help the correlation of the theoretical knowledge with the practical aspects of life
Importance of text – books:
Usefulness to the teacher:
1.      It provides suitable subject matter and guideline regarding the syllabus of the subject. So the teacher neglects no portion of the syllabus and does not waste time on relevant details.
2.      The text books help the teacher planning his lessons, deciding his method of teaching and preparing suitable aids.
3.      It provides certain well illustrated examples about a topic.
4.      Text books are usually written by the well experienced teachers and subject experts. A teacher can make use of their services by making use of their Text-books.
Usefulness to the students:
1.      They provide the students with well graded exercises for drill, revision and review.
2.       Text books help in pre-preparation. At their home, students may get themselves prepared for studying the next day lesson.
3.      Text-books help in doing self-learning, self-study and helping the students to acquire the habit of independent learning.
4.      Text-books are also quite useful in case a students has to remain absent from class due to one (or) the other reason.
Usefulness to maintain the uniform standards
      Text-books play an important role of maintaining uniformity in standards. The text books are quite helpful to examiners in their Evaluation work because they come to know of the standards expected of a particular class.

Characteristics of Good Text-books:
1.      It presents the subject-matter strictly in accordance with the latest-syllabus.
2.      It is written by experienced teachers.
3.      It should contain well graded problems for revision.
4.      The day-to-day needs of the students and their physical and social environment should find due place in the text book.
5.      It should be according to the aims and objectives of teaching Mathematics in that particular class.
6.      The new development and invention in the filed of Mathematics should find their place in the text-book.
7.      The psychological as well as logical order should be followed in the organization of the subject matter of the text-book.
8.      All the definitions, concepts and principles given in the text book should be as clear and definite as possible.
9.      It should make use of the national and international standard terminology in terms of symbols, formulae and definitions.
10.  The principle “from simple to complex” should be followed in the arrangement of the topics of the text-book.
11.  It should meet the abilities, experience and interest of the students for which it has been written. It should cater to the needs of all types of students – slow, average and fast learners.
 Qualities of a good text-book:
         I.  Subject matter:      1.   its usefulness
                                            2.  Proper organization
                                            3. Coverage of the prescribed syllabus.
                                            4. Accordance with standard of students.
                                            5. Logical and psychological sequence of presentation.
                                            6. Up-to-date content.
 II. Language and style:
1.      Simple and clear language.
2.      Simple language of question.
3.      Number and type of questions.
4.      Use of well defined and authorized technical words.
5.      Free from errors and mistakes.
 III. Form of price:
1.      Impressive get up
2.      Good and mistake less printing.
3.      The type of print according to age group of student.
4.      Clear printing of figures and graphs.
5.      Use of good paper.
IV. Author and publication:
1.      Qualification. Rank and Teaching Experience of the author.
2.      Expert of the subject & specialization.
3.      Reputation of the publisher.

4.      Year of publication.

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