Thursday 5 March 2020

Resources of Teaching Mathematics

A fact that to keep teaching interesting and make it effective we have to make use of certain material aids. The use of these materials aids makes the teaching effective, simple and interesting. The use of sensory aids in teaching of Mathematics is of recent origin. The maths teacher we have been using text-books, writing materials Geometric instruments and the black-board since long as in used the equipment for mathematics classes. For many years resourceful teachers have been using models, instruments, drawings and other devices for stimulating interest and to facilitate learning of Mathematics. Since Mathematics is considered as a dry subject so to create interest in learning mathematics has been a constant problem for teacher. In mathematics teaching we require one or the other aid at every step.

Place of Projected and Non-Projected teaching aids in Mathematics:
There are so many abstractions in Mathematics which can not be easily followed by the students. To make such abstract or complex ideas less abstract, rather concrete, teacher takes helps of various teaching aids. Thus teaching aids are aids to imagination of pupils. The importance of teaching aids in teaching mathematics in justifies on the following considerations.

i)  They help in clear understanding of the subject and clarifying the abstract ideas.
ii)            They appeal the senses of the pupils and so they satisfy their innate tendencies and interests.
iii)          They stimulate pupil participation. They are based on the maxim, “Learning by doing”.
iv)          They make the teaching-learning process interesting.
v)            They help in saving time and energy because it takes a long time in clarifies an abstract idea verbally but the point can be made clear at once by using some appropriate teaching aid.
vi)          The needs of individual students are met. Some pupils learn by listening but a majority of them learn by doing.
vii)        They help in creating a lasting impression on the mind of the learner. Things are well retained in the mind since the sensory impression is more permanent.

Suggestion for effective use of teaching Aids:
The teaching aids serve their purpose best only when these are highly used.
Following suggestions be kept in mind while making use of these aids
1.The aids should serve some useful purpose. Aid should not be used just for the sake of using an aid. Rather it should help in teaching a particular lesson. The teacher should be clear about the purpose for which he is using the aids.
2.The aid should be selected according to the general interest, abilities at the pupils.
3.The size of the aid should be neither too large nor too small. It should be clearly visible to the student. In mathematics, the diagrams, concepts, figures formulae etc. depicted through the aids must be accurate. Accurate is very important.
4.Aid should be used only at the right moment. If it is meant for introduction of the lesson it should be shown at the proper time. Aid used at the wrong time may prove harmful.
5.If the number of aids is to be used, then every aid must be used at the proper time and not in a haphazard manner. The systematic display gives good results.
6.The aid should be kept before the students as long as it serves some purpose. It should be removed when it has served its purpose.

  Various teaching aids in teaching Mathematics:
   (i)  Non Projected aids:-
a)      Real objects
b)      Models
c)      Charts
d)     Black-Board
e)      Flannel-Board
f)       Bulletin-Board.
  (ii)  Projected aids:-0
a)      Magic lanters
b)     Filmstrip
c)      Projector
d)     Epidio scope
e)      Motion pictures etc

  (iii)   Excursions etc

Non-Projected Teaching Aids

a)      Real Objects:-
These are most useful and most effective means of providing direct experiences to the pupil Example to teach the area of four walls of a room we can make use of the four walls of class-room. Similarly black-board can be used to teach the area of a rectangle.
b)     Models:
                 In order to clarify and explain the abstract things, some things concrete like models have to be presented to explain those abstract things. Models are the three dimensional representations of the real objects E.g.
1.Models of geometrical solids such as cone, sphere cylinder etc. These models may be made out of card board (or) chart paper and may be used to teach topics such as area of a cone, are of a sphere, area of a cylinder etc.
2.The concept of angles can be explained easily if two strips are hinged at one end.
3.To prove that the sum of three angles of a triangle is 180o we can take a chart paper model of a triangle and fold it as under.
4.To find the area of a circle can be obtained by cutting a piece of cardboard. This      is then cut into 8 equal parts are these parts           are then assembled.
                   Charts are defined as a combination of graphic and pictorial media for the orderly and logical visualizing of relationship b/w important facts, ideas or concepts. “Edgar Dale defines a chart as a systematic arrangement of facts in a graphic (or) pictorial form, presenting for convenient reference comparisons of quantity, distribution, trends, and summaries  
     The charts serve the following purpose:
1.showing relationship by means of facts, figures
2.presenting matter or statistics symbolically, graphically
3.These are used for depicting certain important formula (or) results of mathematics.
Ex: S.I = P X T X R
Ex: Area of rectangle = length X breath.
1.Presenting abstract ideas in a visual from showing continuity in teaching – learning process and summarizing information presented.
2.Motivating and arousing students’ interest.
c)      Black – Board:-
               Black-board is an integral part of the Mathematics classroom. The black-board should be well polished and smooth. It should be black in colour and fit for writing with a chalk. In some places the colour of black-board has now been made green. This has been done because the green colour is useful for eye sight.


1.      It is used to develop various steps of the solution of a problem (or) proof of the -Orem.
2.      It is used for drawing important diagrams.
3.      It is used to compare and contrast certain important results. Such are noted down on B.B.
4.      Black-board can also be used to plot certain graphs (or) curves showing various inter-relationships, presenting statistical data etc.
d)     Flannel – Board:-
             The flannel board consists of a piece of flannel, stretched tightly over a strong backing of plywood, pictures, cards and other similar material can be stuck on the flannel board if sand paper, felt paper (or) blotting paper are give to their back.
e)      Bulletin Board:
            The bulletin board is used for displaying bulletins, announcements, and visual displays that are interesting to the students. Bulletin boards are usually made of wood with thick flannel cloth on them and a wooden frame running around it with a glass covering on the front side.


1.      To motivate, arouse curiosity and build enthusiasm in students.
2.      To display work done by students.
3.      To display graphic and pictorial material linked with the curriculum in an attractive manner.
ii)  Projected Teaching aids:-
a)      Magic Lantern: This instrument of science had proved very useful for teaching mathematics. It helps to demonstrate different types of figures, diagrams, pictures related to various topics of mathematics through the slides. For getting better results, the teacher may also give explanation of the things demonstrated on the magic lantern.
b)      Film Strips: - In a film strip, 15 to 20 slides concerning useful topics are photographed on a 35 or 16 mm films. These film strips are then projected on the screen through a projector. The teacher may demonstrate the pictures for any period of time irrespective of speed as the situation demands. These are light in weight and easy to transport and a large variety of information can be presented.
c)      Projector:  OHP is a device that can project a chart, a diagram, a map, a table or for that matter anything written on a transparent sheet, unto a
d)     Screen (or) even a wall.
1. OHP’s are usually light weight and easy to carry.
2. Teacher can always face the class.
3. Lots of time is saved as writing on black-board can be avoided.
4. There are very useful with large groups the visibility is more.
e)      Epidiascope:
This device can be used to project transparent as well as can not pass through pictures. It can be used to project slides, film-strips etc. It can also be used to project the content, figures and diagrams of the printed (or) written pages. It is quite useful for depicting complicated figures.
f)       Motion pictures:-                           
iii)  Excursions:                    
Excursions are helpful in providing the knowledge of Mathematics and in developing interest and understanding of the subject. For such excursions students may be taken to post-office, bank, market, insurance office, agriculture fields etc. Mass Motion pictures are useful if we are interested in showing some action (or) motion. Such pictures are used to stress the applications of mathematics and development of concepts and generalization. Such pictures are capable of introducing real life situation in the class-room.
The term mass media stands for dissemination of information, ideas and entertainment by the use of communication media. The media include those which use modern means of communication such as radio, television, film, press, newspapers and advertising. In fact, they co- exist with the important traditional media such as folk dance, drama and puppetry.
  Mass Media and Education:
Education in its modern form, involving the instruction of pupils with in specially designated school premises, emerged with the spread of printed materials and higher levels of literacy. The rise of mass media and the rise of mass ed/are closely connected, because of the letters ability to read & write to participate in public sphere. Media are generally classified on the basis of their distribution channels.
                             Print Media                                                Electronic Media            Books                                                                                Radio
                        News papers                                        Television
                        Magazines                                           Films
                        Direct mail                                          Tape & Disc Recordings
           Radio has been playing a vital role in the field of education and Radio has established due credit in the filed of education. Almost all the important centers of A.I.R. board cost programmes concerning ed/ either the regular classes on topics of mathematics are being held (or) the important discussions and speeches concerning principles and laws of mathematics, life history and contribution of mathematics, the application at mathematics in practical life are broad cast. Highly Experienced teachers, teacher educators, mathematicians and research persons take part in such programmes. The Radio as a means of communication takes their voices to the millions of students and teachers listening to their programmes.
            Television has the greater advantages as it not only conveys the voices but the picture and actual scene also, the students sitting far away from the T.V. stations may be benefited through the telecasting programmes almost in the same way as it is happening just before their eyes. In television the programmes on mathematical speeches, Mathematics classes for competitive exam, History of mathematics and pictures about mathematicians, and also it has shown the places about related to mathematics.
             Eg: Bank, Post-office, share market etc.
         The teacher of mathematics should try to take advantage of such learning opportunities by making himself and his students fully conversant with such programmes
Tape recorder:
                 Tape recorder also we can use for the programmes on mathematics education. This is also used in rural areas. If the lessons are not understood for the students at a time, they record these programmes and they can listen any time. If the students miss the radio lesson for different timings they will able to listen in tape recorder by recording such programme.
News Paper:
News papers may be used an effective aid for teaching and learning of mathematics. They help in correlating teaching of mathematics with day to day happenings of life. The statistics given in the newspaper in the from of weather charts, the prices of various commodities, budgets of stage and central government, interest rates of various private and government  agencies stock and shares etc. All provide good means for making the teaching of mathematics interesting useful and purposeful. The cutting of the news papers may thus be employed to help the students in learning the practical application of mathematics in day to day life.

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Mathematics - News paper cuttings