Thursday 19 March 2020

Mathematics Fair


           Every school should organize mathematics fair at least once a year. They should include the exhibits of the students as well as demonstrations. Film on mathematics topics, debates and declamations, music show etc, can also be organized. Both the teacher and the pupils should collaborate towards the success of the fair, through it should be mainly an activity of the students because the back ground of all the mathematic work is practical it can make an appeal to visitors, which the academic type of an activity may fail to provide. The students who take part in arranging and organizing the fair get a better understanding of the purpose of experiments and the method used.
Organization of Mathematics Fair:
            The organization of Mathematics fair should be a teacher, Pupil activity and everything should be of well in advance. The following procedure is suggested for the organization and administration of the mathematic fair.
            Before taking up the project of organization the mathematic fair, it is very essential that the planning is thoroughly done in which the limits of the fair. During planning the following aspects should be considered.
a)      Objectivity and aims of the fair.
b)      Scope of the fair-whether limit to the school (or) open to other schools, type of programmes etc.
c)       Procedure
d)      Financing.
e)      Place, time and duration.
f)       Other factors and facility.
Distribution of work:
After planning, the work should be assigned to different individuals or groups. A number of committees may be formed which look after the different programmes and sections of the fair. For example executive, recording, reception, general management, committees and sub-committees all these committees are guided by the teacher, while distributing the work, the interest and the talents of the student should be kept in view.
The different committees now execute the planning of the fair the exhibition is arranged and other programmes like demonstrations, talks, films, magic shows, charts, collections, models etc. are organized.
            The selected students should be made in change of various experiments and they should be given full explanation of each experiment a day before the exhibition is opened, the fair can be in arranged by some important man of mathematics people from other schools and from the community may be invited.
The fair should be Judged by different committees of Judges for different items of the fair Judges may be chosen from amongst the individuals in the community having some back ground of math’s scientist college professors, maths teachers etc. The Judging system should be made as objectives.
            Judging Performa should be developed for each item. Performa be developed on the lines suggested below.
1.       Mathematic approach.
2.       Originality – in planning and execution.
3.       Technical skill and workmanship.
4.        Dramatic value exhibit attractive labels large and descriptions neatly presented.
5.       Personal interview presented with the respective students who exhibit.
The Judging criteria should be made well-known to the participants in the fair. These criteria may even be displayed at a prominent place for public view.
After the fair is over, the teacher and the students should evaluate it and find out whether the objectivity of the fair have been achieved (or) not. If not where day the fault lie and then try to improve it next time.
         Mathematics is an integral part of our daily lives. To help the pupils to understand this mathematics exhibitions are organized at the schools.
Objectives of the Mathematics Exhibition
  1. To build different mathematics skills and concepts.
  2. To show the interconnection and interdependency of different subjects with mathematics.
  3. To help students learn best when presented with a concept they can manipulate and visualize.
  4. To build the confidence of the students in their mathematics skills.
  5. To add the fun element to the teaching learning process.
  6. To enhance the team spirit.
Importance of Mathematics Exhibition/Fair
  1. Mathematics fairs can help talent to surface and foster mathematical gifts in learners. They provide challenging opportunities to the gifted children.
  2. Exhibition helps students to express themselves through attractive models. The
             Demonstration value of models makes them more appealing.

  1. Mathematics fairs are also effective in brining desired changes in average or even slow learners.
  2. The students, who lost interest in mathematics due to its abstract nature, change their attitude after understanding the concepts in a concrete way.
  3. While preparing and working with models, they come very close to teachers which help them to participate in the learning process more actively.
  4. There is every chance of getting appreciation from visitors and teachers, which in turn inspires them to think and work with self-confidence.
  5. Students show interest in mathematics.
  6. Fair and exposition are thought to make mathematics concrete and to give an opportunity to the learner to relate his/her creative talent to the learning of mathematics.

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