Friday 20 March 2020

Role of Seminars, Workshops and Projects

            It is an activity (or) a programme where in a person gives a conceptual explanation of a topic. The topic may or may not be related to curriculum. It may be in-depth study, by means of library work or experiments or data collections. Usually the duration of the activity depends on the topic and is decided by the participant himself.
                It involves generating situation for a group to have guided interaction among themselves. On a theme which is generally presented to the group by one or more members the material collected should put in the form of a paper which is circulated among the participants in advance.
                The participants may use the projector, slides, models, charts etc., and a part from a black board.
                Thus, a seminar is an instructional technique of higher learning which involves paper reading on a theme and followed by the group discussion to clarify the complex aspect of the themes. In seminars paper readers reads the topic clearly one by one of lost the group discussion started clarify the doubts.
Role of seminar in Quality improvement:
            The seminar plays a vital role in the Quality improvement.  As said above it is an effective instructional technique of higher learning, it develops importantly two domain of the personality. They are cognitive and the affective domains.
1. It develops the cognitive abilities like thinking, synthesizing and evaluating.
2. It develops the ability of reasoning among the individuals.
3. The ability of keen observation can be developed with the help of seminars.
4. Develop the ability to seek clarification and defend the ideas of others effectively.
If develops the following Affective abilities like,
1. Developing the feeling of Tolerance.
2. The feeling of co-operating with other colleagues will be developed.
3. Seminars develop the emotional stability among the participants.
4. Acquiring good manners of questioning and answering.
The person giving seminar gets a better and through understanding of the topic chosen by him during the preparation, presentation and post seminar discussion, with much freedom of expression, he develops his personality and qualities like public speaking communication skills etc.
             It helps in representing norms of behaviors of participants. It develops better learning habits. Seminars are learner centered thus provides learning through inquiry; it is useful at all levels of instructions. Thus a seminar goes a long way in nurturing the talents of the participants and improving the Quality.
Procedure of Seminar:
1. A person who presents the theme should have studied the theme thoroughly before hand.
2. The organized material should be put in the form of papers and circulated to the members in advance.
3. After presenting the theme, it should be discussed by the group.
4. During discussion participants may
 a).Seek clarification of the theme presented
b).Make observations in the light of their knowledge and
c).Raise issues relating to the theme for further analysis and evaluation.
   d).The chairperson has to guide proceedings of the seminar.
            The approach in workshop is more practical than in seminar. All the participants in the workshop work, actively and make significant contributions. A workshop is conducted to think over more practical problems of education such as lesson planning, curriculum construction, Question paper setting etc;/ In a workshop ample time is given for individual work and study. Every participant makes intensive study of problems, which arise out of their experiences and gives practical suggestions on it then those suggestions are pub before the meetings of all the participants for the benefit of all.
            The workshop can be defined as on assembled group of ten to twenty five persons. Who share a common interest or problem? They meet together to improve their individual and skill of a subject through intensive study, research, practice and discussion.
Role of workshop in Quality improvement:
           The workshop technique is used mainly in the following areas of education.
1. New format of lesson planning.
2. Writing objectives in behavioral terms.
3. Preparing objective type tests.
4. Action research project for classroom problems.
5. Preparing models for teaching.
6. Designing programmes for Teaching Education.
The workshop helps in developing the following cognitive abilities:
1. Solving the problems of teaching profession.
2. Providing the philosophical and sociological back ground for instructional and teaching situation.
3. Identifying the educational objectives in the present situation (or) context.
4. Developing an understanding regarding the use of theme and problem.
Psychomotor Abilities such as:
1. Developing the proficiency for planning and organizing teaching and instructional activities.
2. Developing a skill to perform as task independently.
3. Determining and using of teaching strategies effectively.
4. Training the persons for using different approaches of teaching.
            We can say workshops are used to realize the higher cognitive and psychomotor objectives. It develops the Individual capacities of teachers, feelings of co-operation and group work, provides situations to study vocational problems, it introduces new practices and innovations to in-service teachers.
Procedure of workshops:
1. Presenting the theme of providing Awareness.
2. Practice the approach for its applicability.
3. Evaluate the material prepared by the participants and follow up programmes.

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